We are one of the leading law firms providing both Family and General Mediation services. With our passion to work out settlement with parties in dispute, we are also the pioneer law firm which establishes a mediation centre, namely Metro Mediation Centre, to provide alternative means of dispute resolution and promote harmony through mediation services.
Our Mediation Team has conducted Family and General Mediation for almost 1,000 cases:
- Family Mediation Cases – We have extensive experience in handling family mediation on children’s custody, care and control, access, relocation, division of assets, maintenance for children and spouse and co-parenting matters. In addition, our Family Mediation Supervisors deliver Family Mediation Accreditation Course every year, and provide training and supervision to trainee family mediators in live family mediation cases. As some of our mediators are also Counsellors, we have unique experience in conducting Child Inclusive Family Mediation.
- General Mediation Cases – We have rich experience in handling various range of disputes involving landed property, will, estate administration and distribution, dependent’s right in an estate, family business (involving generations and multi-parties), commercial contracts, companies, medical/professional negligence claims, landlord and tenant, water seepage, building management, employment and other areas of disputes.
Our mediators are always invited to conduct workshops and deliver seminars or talks on family and general mediation practice and skills, family relationship and parenting, and conflict resolution for various Universities, Government Departments, non-governmental organizations and bodies, companies, churches and schools.
Our Mediation Team also published the book “In-Between Conflict and Settlement – Family Mediation Cases Sharing and Reflections” 《紛爭後•和解前—家事調解個案分享及心靈札記》in 2020.
Team Leaders: